Friday, February 22, 2013



The number of Americans who now work from home has jumped 40%  + since 2000. As technology continues to evolve (enabling new access on mobile, social and collaboration), we can expect more growth in working from home.
While the work from home lifestyle brings significant perks, it’s not without challenges. You may not deal with the daily commute or rush-hour traffic, but there’s a new set of struggles that are unique to the home office. The following is a breakdown of the top four pitfalls associated with working from home and how to overcome them.

 When You Work From Home You Can’t Stay Focused

It’s not easy to stay focused in the face of countless distractions, from the television to the dirty dishes waiting in the kitchen. And when you’re brand new to working at home, the first danger is that it’s hard to feel like you’re working, simply because you don’t associate your home environment with being at work. Some people are experts at multitasking, easily alternating between work and household tasks or other distractions throughout the day. However, if you find your work productivity is suffering, you’ll need to come up with a more formal structure for your day. After all, you wouldn’t iron your clothes during the day if you were back at the office.
In an ideal case, you should create a dedicated area as your office (preferably with a door so you can shut out unwanted distractions). At the very least, carve out a corner of a room just for work, so going there signals your brain that it’s time to get serious. If you find yourself stuck from time to time, try changing your environment by working at the cafĂ© for an hour or taking a short walk outside. A change in scenery can bring you new focus.


When you’re working at a traditional office job, everyone seems to understand your work schedule. You don’t get many personal calls during the day. You’re not expected to handle all the daily errands. However, all those boundaries go out the window when you work from home.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of the flexibility that comes with working from home. But you should think about how easy it is to have time ripped from your workday. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean your job is any less real than your office counterparts. The key here is to respect your own time and your schedule — because no one else will respect your boundaries if you don’t respect them first.


What’s the stereotype of work from home people? Sleeping in, working in pajamas and easy days. However, the reality is usually far from that. People who work from home often work longer days simply because there’s no separation between work and home. When you’re working from home, you don’t pack up your computer; you don’t drive away from the office. Without a natural stopping point, the day gets longer and it’s harder to put aside work.
 With most jobs, there’s always going to be more work to do. We want you to write only one blog a day and our Prosperity Team will even help you with that! This means you need to self-regulate and be disciplined about setting a boundary between your work and personal life. This doesn’t have to be every night. However, if you’re serious about working from home for the long haul, you’ve got to make the lifestyle sustainable. And that means you’ll need time away from the computer and stress of work.





The solitude of working from home means fewer distractions and pesky office politics, but the physical separation from colleagues brings an inevitable sense of isolation. Everyone needs social interaction (albeit at varying levels) and working remotely limits one’s opportunities to connect with others. Many people don’t realize just how much they miss the day-to-day social interaction of the office until it’s gone.


This is an exciting time as technology is giving people more freedom to carve out their own workstyles and career paths. Don’t let these pitfalls deter you. If you want to venture out on your own as an independent worker or just telecommute from home a few days a week, go for it. Just be mindful that there are unique challenges associated with working from home, ones you probably never would have thought about while in the office.


We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!
"Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”
Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:
Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
80 email autoresponder series for GVO or Aweber…
Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
Team Facebook Mastermind Group
Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Delete the wussy in you, fight the forces of evil and release your inner badass click

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Internet Network Marketing

Internet Network Marketing – It certainly isn’t about the products

For along time now many marketers online label themselves as internet network marketing guru’s. It has taken me awhile to fully grasp what it means to be in this industry and what it is that we are really selling.
There are many types of products that can be considered internet network marketing products.
For example: You have tools and services that marketers use  also physical products that you use in your house.  But at the heart of all of it is a person who just wants to make money from home.
And they want to make a lot of money from home.

What It Takes To Make It In The Internet Network Marketing Industry

I believe that most people fall in love with the idea of how much money they can make rather than the products they are selling. Newbies don’t realize in many cases the junk and mis – information that is circulating online.
For Example: There is a school of thought that suggest you create your own products and brand yourself that way. The problem with this thought is many newbies learn this stuff and just jump in and start trying to create products. Even worse is they aren’t drawing from their personal experience rather they are taking information based on what other people have said.
Word of Warning To You – > You must be absolutely careful who you listen to in the internet network marketing industry. There are tons of people who are full of bull crap. Absolutely stay away from people who use reverse marketing strategies..
These people have no concept of good internet network marketing principles or strategies. They don’t know how to get traffic from paid advertising, they don’t know how to get good free quality traffic. All that they know how to do is prey on people who do not have the education yet to know the difference…


In truth it doesn’t matter what you are selling what does matter is the people you work with. Because if your like me the 2 most important qualities you look for in an online business is.
  1. Is the program ethical, legal and will it be around tomorrow?
  2. Is the compensation model and structure designed in a way where I can actually get paid
I love the Direct Sales business model’s. What I don’t love is some of the compensation models for example binary plans, matrix plans, 2x whatever plans.. Simply do not and never will work for the beginner. You may hear a few success stories but we are talking for every 20,000 people that fail you might find 50 good stories of newbies doing well.
The reason is because most plans rely on the idea that you can leverage other people to make you money. And lets just be honest here… That never happens in real life. You end up working your tail off only to earn peanuts for months and even years of effort.
…Don’t get me wrong,
internet network marketing is great once you follow a proven formula that works. I know, everyone says that right? But it’s true, unless you are modeling your business the way real successful people do online you are paddling upstream without paddles.
I have dedicated thousands of hours over the years learning about internet network marketing.  I am not talking about just looking at websites or joining free stuff or even looking for free information. I have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars in this niche. Learning everything I could and even for me it has been a struggle.
…And YOU CAN make really good money online!
It’s been a struggle because I wasn’t getting what the most important lesson was. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
Work with the right people and your business will take off literally with ease. Work with the wrong people and your business will slowly decay to nothingness and you will be left standing there wondering who hit you over the head. That’s why I work with…
If you want to delete the wussy in you, fight the forces of evil and release your inner badass click this link now :)


Wednesday, February 20, 2013



Empower Network Events are arguably the most epic and impactful live ‘experiences’ this industry has ever seen.
Because when people from Empower Network all gather in one room together… it’s almost as if there’s a “magical” power that guides the direction of what happens (if you’ve been to one of our events, you know what I’m talking about).
And interestingly enough, we’ve been as outrageous as we possibly can in coming up with a name for all our events.
So we figured…. “Why stop now, right?”
So after first meeting you in Atlanta, GA at “Don’t Be a Wussy”
Instead of Financial Advice for Wussys
Then, gathering in San Diego, CA at “Fight the Forces of Evil”
Then marching into Austin, TX for “Release Your Inner BadAss”
We’ve decided to invade Chicago, IL the weekend of April 19-21 in Chicago, IL….
As we host 5,000 of the most badass marketers in the game today, at the largest event in Empower Network history, and simply call it….
Financial Advice
But since we legally can’t give Financial Advice, we decided upon

“Get Money”

Chicago, IL April 19-21

….for no other reason than to be ridiculous (and because we’ll teach you how to actually “Get Money” in your business, and in your life, in a way that will be so clear, it will seem as if it’s a scientific formula – because it is :)
Back to more shenanigans:
I’m actually sitting here writing this sales letter, and over half of the tickets are already sold out.
They sold out the first week we made them available.
So this isn’t your normal “salesy” sales letter.

I Don’t Have Financial Advice To Give You

I really don’t have advice at all except join us in Chicago

As a matter of fact, by the time you read this, all of the event tickets may be very close to being….

It happens like that all the time here at Empower.
Just like every call we do, and every hangout we do, and every webinar we do – they all SELL OUT or fill up so fast thousands of people get locked out … literally …every time.
Just like what happened at the last event, in Austin, where we packed out the room to capacity (over 4,000 people strong), and we had a army of people submit support tickets and call our “not so corporate” office furious because they couldn’t get a ticket to the event.
We had no choice but to tell them all the same thing.

“If you want to get a ticket to any Empower event,you have to act fast – because they ALWAYS sell out fast and thousands of people end up getting locked out”

Like I said, this is not just our events. It’s our webinars, and our calls… and everything we do.
The other obvious reason our events are so exclusive, and people fight to get in them is because every time we host an event – we teach people stuff – then they leave…..
……and their income doubles.
It’s happened over and over again, now.
At first, we were like….
“That was cool, Tracey Walker’s income just doubled from the first event to the second.”
And then, it happened again. And we were like… “Hmmmm. Tracey Walker’s income just nearly doubled again, from the second event to the third event.”
Check out the proof, and do the math yourself….
Tracey Walker’s total income for her first 6 months with Empower:
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure


Tracey Walker total income for her next 3 months with Empower (from Atlanta to San Diego):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Tracey Walker’s total income for the whole year ($155,344.00 for the 3 month period between San Diego to Austin):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
The cool thing is….

She has just done exactly what we teach at the events.

But Tracey Walker isn’t the only person who’s income has doubled (or jumped up significantly) from what we’ve taught at the events. I went to an Anthony Robbins event, Unleash The Power Within last November and more than 4000 of us listened to what he taught us and walked on fire. I am disabled, I was in a wheelchair for 4 years and I held my walking cane over my head and walked on fire because I learned his system.

An army of leaders — and more importantly – people who you don’t know and have never heard of…..
….are making life changing money.
People like…..
Barbie Zabel (from Canton, Ohio):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Desmond and Dana (from Richmond, Virginia):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Carol Douthitt (from Chesterton, Indiana):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Clay Montgomery (from Owasso, Oklahoma):
financial advice

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Debbie Turner (from Plamdale, California):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Dwayne Pyle (from New York, New York):
Get Money

*Results not typical – see our average earnings disclosure
Now…. this is important:
I don’t show you this because I’m guaranteeing any results here, or because I have any hyped up, unethical promises I’m going to make to you – I’m not and I don’t. We’re actually the only company I know that publishes our average earnings of all our affiliates….
…..and we’re also the only company I know that will tell you if you want to make a lot of money you have to stop being a wussy and work your ass off.
But here’s what I did show you that for…..

Because Real People Just Like You Are On Stage Getting “Big Ass” Checks

The question you need to ask yourself now is….
Have you seen enough proof, yet?

Are you tired of taking financial advice from people who are living paycheck to paycheck?


Are you tired of listening to the people who always think everything is “too good to be true”?


Are you tired of always looking for “the catch” while people who have no more skills than you and no more potential than you…. are raking in obscene amounts of money?

You probably said “YES” to every single questions I just asked.
(And if you didn’t scream “YES” at the top of your lungs… you should probably LEAVE THIS PAGE IMMEDIATELY)
See, you don’t know it yet, but in a few short minutes you’ll begin to feel more powerful, and certain, because you’ll know that the decision you are about to make to meet us in Chicago is the smartest (and most profitable) decision you will ever make for your life … your family ….and your business.
And isn’t it interesting when you first joined Empower Network, you had no clue how much of an impact the people in Empower would have on your life?
However, the further you read this letter, and the more you think back to every call you’ve heard…. and every video you’ve watched …. and every audio you’ve listened to ….
… suddenly begin to realize that you’re here for a bigger purpose.
Now, I want you to really take a deeper look and ask yourself WHY you’re a part of Empower.
Maybe it’s because you’re here to find your purpose in life.
Maybe it’s because you’re here to realize that your purpose in life is to help other people transform, and break through the barriers that have held them back.
Or maybe you’re here because this is the place you can share your story … and your struggles … and everything that you’ve overcome in life…..
….with someone else - who needs to here your story - and when you do……
…..their life will change - INSTANTLY - because of you.
See the money people are making is just the start, but it’s not the end.
I’ve now witnessed people overcome things that make no logical sense.They’ve had victory over struggles they’ve dealt with for years, sometimes decades before they joined Empower.
I’ve seen Dave Wood stand in front of a room of over 4,000 people in Austin, TX and walk people through a training so powerful… so life changing …. 90% of the room was in tears…. and people’s lives were transformed in an instant - and in that very moment – they found their purpose of WHY they were here and transformed into the person they were meant to be.

Get Money

I’ve seen a panel of women sit in front of a room of 4,000 people and share their deepest, darkest secrets – and how they overcame them – and what their doing today to kick so much ass in their life and business they make wussy men melt at the thought of their presence, and their accomplishments.
Get Money

I’ve witnessed two guys who society wrote off as losers and outcasts inspire an army of badasses to be themselves, share their stories….
….and change the world.

Get Money

So here’s the most important questions you need to ask yourself…

Or are you tired of making excuses?
Are you ready to be coached by people who have the kind of results you want?
And are you willing to do your part and SHOW UP to learn what they know?
YES? Good.
I want to have some fun with you for a second….
And over the next minute or two, you’ll be amazed at how close you really are to having everything you ever wanted in business and life.

change your life
I want you to think about how cool it would be to….
  • Show up at the event only to feel the energy in the room is so electric that it reminds of you of a time in your life when you were really excited about your future. Do you remember that time in your life?
  • And wouldn’t it be cool to be walking down the hallway of the event and see Lawrence Tam, or Tony Rush, or Nicole Cooper, or Chris Record, or myself, or Dave Wood. What you would say to them? How would it feel to meet them? Hang out with them? And just talk?
  • And wouldn’t it be cool to cross the stage, and get recognized in front of thousands of people – and in that moment – you’ll know all the bullshit you’ve been through in life was worth it :)

How cool would that all be?
Well, here’s the really cool part: Everything you just imagined can be yours — and it’s literally at your fingertips, right now.

Because there’s a lot of money to make. And a lot of people to inspire.
And a lot of people who are counting on YOU to take action.
Only you know if you’re ready for the next step, don’t you?
I’m Dennis Kennedy owner of and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing business with our group of 6 & 7 Figure Earners
We don’t just have you sign up and then not teach you to be successful. Read my previous blog posts, check out some of the testimonials to the right and you’ll see what I mean! Besides the valuable info shared on the blogs, we have all the training you need…
…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Let’s DO this.
- David Sharpe
“I’ll be waiting for you to decide if you want one of these too…”